One of the best examples of how Inspirato Pass subscribers find value in their subscription is to hear it straight from them. Whether it’s how they choose the best Pass trips throughout the year or how they take advantage of Pass to spend more time with the people they love, subscribers know how to make the most of it.
And that’s exactly why we’re sharing Troy Shay’s Inspirato Pass review. A Pass subscriber for just the past year, Troy has taken 27 Inspirato trips, from Maui to Punta de Mita. He appreciates Inspirato’s certainty and simplicity, and so does his dad, Ray. They both shared their experience with Pass in a recent virtual event.
“I first saw Pass on Instagram about a year ago, it seemed too good to be true—just $2,550 a month and you can travel as much as you want,” Troy said. “But it was probably the best decision I’ve ever made, because we’ve done amazing things and been on so many wonderful trips.”
Ray’s dad’s appreciation of Inspirato lies in the certainty and safety. He’s a single father of three, and he feels good about sending them to Inspirato hotels and residences, knowing he doesn’t have to worry about their safety if they arrive before him.
I never imagined I’d go on so many vacations as we’ve taken in the past year. I’m old fashioned and would only take one to two a year. But the safety and security Inspirato offers has been excellent,” Ray said. “It’s changed my whole attitude about travel. The consistency from state to state or country to country gives us the confidence to say, ‘Hey, we’re going to have a great vacation.’
“The certainty has been such a crucial part to us,” Troy agreed. “We signed up during COVID, and everyone thinks about the importance of cancellation and making sure everything is taken care of. And to be totally transparent, from point A to point B, I don’t even have to lift a finger.
“When you make the comparison to Four Seasons, where I’ve stayed many times, you can’t even compare that to what Inspirato has done,” he continued. “At a hotel, they don’t know you. But when you’re traveling a lot with Inspirato, you can talk to the same people every week and they really know you.”
Troy has found the new booking process to be beneficial, too. For him, it makes choosing his next trip—which will be his 28th—that much easier.
“When I’m booking now, I know every place is going to be amazing, so I don’t specify a location. I just start by specifying the dates I’m available. Then I see all of these different places—some hotels some homes. Then I go by the estimated value (of Pass Days) or number of guests and select the trip that works best for us,” he said.
Ultimately, though, the Shays have loved the opportunity it’s given them to spend more time with one another.
“I know my dad has been happy with it, because we’ve gotten to travel a lot with the family and seen that value that can come with Inspirato,” Troy said. “But to me, it’s more than just the money involved. It’s the fact that we’ve shared wonderful experiences with each other.”
If you’d like to hear more from Troy and Ray, you can watch the full video here. Or if you’re ready to start your own adventure with Pass, learn more in this all-new guide to Inspirato Pass or get started by creating a free account.